BLOG 1: Introduction to Media and Information Literacy

I just got back from our semestral break that lasted for about two weeks. I would surely miss staring at nothingness and disappearing within deep thoughts. Things got pretty bored because this was the first time NO REQUIREMENTS were given to us on a break and well yeah, there were no hangouts planned.

Aside from its long name, Media and Information Literacy is a new thing for me. I’m amazed at our creative teacher, Mr. Rodel Opiana, for thinking of a cool name for the subject matter. MediaLit1718.  For our first activity he asked us to recall how we used and interacted with media and information providers and write in a piece of paper. He also told us to indicate how many hours were spent engaged with each.

So here is what I wrote:

Media or Information Provider
Number of hours in a week
Mobile Legends

               I realized that the media provider I spent most time was on YouTube. Well that was probably because I watched videos on taekwondo. Sparring techniques and the like give me ideas on what I could use every time I fight. I also watched comedians to keep me entertained when I felt sad. The day before going back to school, I watched Crash Course Biology because a quick review could help me on my biology class the next day. I heard we got a new teacher so I studied to make a first impression. YouTube has provided a great deal on my life because of its benefits.

After some time, some of us were called to share with the class our answers. I was one of the chosen few. Great thing I got no problem with talking in front. Apart from being a confident person, I am very fond with my classmates. They may be a noisy bunch but I know that they are willing to listen on me blabbering on an episode of my life. More and more of my classmates were called and I was surprised with the number of hours they spend on scrolling through social media sites, playing multiplayer games and reading tons of books.

I think media’s role in my life is to be the source of knowledge on the current events. I get my update on the news every time I use the internet. I socialize with my friends through different social media platforms. I see the glitz and glamour of the entertainment and the social world through television shows and social networking sites. Media acts as my window that I could look at to see the world. It is powerful tool that I must use responsibly.

I also thought of some definitions that are needed to be understood by students who are taking up the course

Technology Literacy is the ability of a person to know, to operate and to use technological inventions.

Media Literacy is the ability of a person to understand, to operate and to access different media platforms.

Information Literacy is the ability of a person to hear or to read and to understand the information being relayed.

Media and Information Literacy is the ability of a person to know the uses and purpose of media and information, to operate its various functions and to responsible make use of it.



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