BLOG 5: Information Literacy | Lecture

For our meeting today, Mr. Opiana asked the class to bring out a sheet of paper and think of who is the most influential person our life. I thought hard and had an internal battle if it is my mother or my friends. For now, I decided to write down the first person who came into my mind. The reason why I had to have a complete overhaul of my life.

Eunice Anne S. Soriano
WHAT: My social, mental and emotional aspects. My perspective on life. Life choices. The way I should appreciate and treat people.
WHERE: Manila Science High School during Junior High

WHEN: June 2013 – April 2017
WHY: She was my best friend.  She was the one who lifted me up when I was sad and depressed. When weeks of hell came, she motivated me that I could do it, I will pass all the challenges. When I needed somebody to talk with about my problems and rants, she would always listen. I would never regret meeting her because I know nobody, and I mean nobody could ever replace a friend like her. Most of all, she was the person who taught me an important life lesson. No matter how much love you could give to the world, if you don’t know how to love yourself first, you will only hurt others and yourself. I’ve never met someone as great as her before. She was hard-working, intelligent and talented impatience is her only flaw. She made me rethink my way of living, if I should just be the happy-go-lucky person that I am or a be better person. I regret invalidating her feelings when she greeted me during midnight on my birthday, I said my apologies for acting like a douche in the morning. I was foolish for raising my expectations. Eunice never said a word, never viewed my messages, or answered me in person. I’ve been trying my best to reach her for months. It was like reaching for a distant galaxy. She never asked me to change. But I know that if I want to keep someone special in my life I should always be the bigger person.

HOW: Conversations, stories, trips, adventures, and through friendship break-up </3

After the activity we proceeded with the lesson. The purpose of the W+H questions was to gather information. I learned that information is data that has been collected, processed, and interpreted in order to be presented in a useable form. That information is a term that can cover processed data, knowledge derived from study, experience, instruction, signals or symbols. In the media world, information is often used to describe knowledge of specific events or situations that has been gathered or received by communication, intelligence, or news reports. 
We also discussed theStages/ Elements of Information Literacy.  The questions asked can be thought of as the ‘elements’ that make up an individual’s Information Literacy, but they can also be thought of as ‘stages’ because they can be the steps through which one can become information literate.
Identifying/recognizing information needs
Determining sources of information
Citing or searching for information
Analyzing and evaluating the quality of information
Organizing, storing or archiving information
Using information in an ethical, efficient and effective way
Creating and communicating new knowledge
We had an activity where we were given a disaster scenario:
“According to the weather forecast, there is no typhoon. However, your locality is experiencing heavy rainfall, while some parts in your province /region are already flooded. There are reported incidents of landslide, evacuation, stranded vehicles and drowning. As a student, what are you going to do?”
Here is my answer in tabular form:
Information needs
What information do you need?
Announcement on class suspension, Areas flooded, How long rains will last, Hazard
Sources of information
Where will you get them?
Local Government Offices, PAG-ASA, NDRRMC
Access to the information
How will you access them?
Social Media, Radio, Television,
Evaluate information
How will you check the quality of information?
Checking other credible sources
Organize information
How will you organize and store them?
Note-taking. Photograph, Video taking
Communicate information
How will you create and communicate them
Facebook post, Chat, Text, Call

I learned from our discussion that there is a process followed in gathering information, it’s not just about asking your friends or family. Everything that we do follows a conceptualized framework which when acknowledged can help us gather information faster.


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